Activities and Events

We reply to many many consultations on behalf of our community. We will link all consultations here on our website and provide our responses so you too can get involved.
Click here for latest consultation

MPA expansion
CROMACH are committed to expanding the flapper skate MPA into Loch Craignish. Numerous flapper skate egg cases have been found in the loch and we are embarking on a new project to prove the skate regularly use the loch. If you wish to help with this please get in touch. If you find an egg case in or around Loch Craignish please log here:

Fish Farm Reform
Cromach are compaigning on behalf of the community to see major reforms to the way fish farms are run. We believe due to climate change, feed stocks, lice issues and chemical and faeces pollutants fish farms must be closed contained systems. To find out more please refer to the Coastal Communities website ,which we are part of, aquaculture section